Three good reasons
Choose the best financing solution for you
Home Loan
- * The bank only charges a fee for managing the credit.
- Payback period of up to 30 years.
- Take the first steps to a housing loan right from home.
Quick Cash Loan
- * The bank only charges a fee for managing the credit.
- A new and more favourable offer for new and existing clients.
- Fixed or variable interest rate and without insurance.
Green Consumer Loan
- More favorable terms than the regular loan offer.
- 50% lower costs than the regular offer.
- For efficient use of energy or obtaining it environmentally friendly.
Home Loan
- More favorable terms than the regular loan offer.
- The bank only charges a fee for managing the credit.
- Payback period of up to 30 years.
Home Loan
- More favorable terms than the regular loan offer.
- The bank only charges a fee for managing the credit.
- Payback period of up to 30 years.
- No costs or insurance for basic overdraft.
- You only pay interest on the amount you use.
- Amount of overdraft increase can be used and settled multiple times.
Kaj je SISBON?
SISBON - Slovenski Informacijski Sistem Bonitet Komitentov je baza podatkov o komitentih – fizičnih osebah članov SISBON, ki je bila ustanovljena z namenom upravljanja s kreditnim tveganjem bank, hranilnic in drugih dajalcev kreditov, za zagotovitev odgovornega kreditiranja in preprečevanja prezadolževanja posameznikov.
Preberite si več o sistemu SISBON in se seznanite s pravicami posameznika v sistemu SISBON.